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Eggplant with pesto and ricotta Melanzana al pesto e ricotta

Eggplant parmigiana rolls Aubergines roulées façon parmigiana


Eggplant parmigiana rolls Aubergines roulées façon parmigiana

Mixed fried fish Fritto misto del pesce

fried fish Friture de poissons


fried fish Friture de poissons

Assortment of arancini Assortimento di arancini

Saffron rice balls, eggplant and ragu Boules de riz safranées, aubergines e ragu


Saffron rice balls, eggplant and ragu Boules de riz safranées, aubergines e ragu

Assortment of fresh sardines Assortiment de sardine fraiches

Sicilian appetizers Hors d'œuvres Siciliens


Sicilian appetizers Hors d'œuvres Siciliens

Sardines and warbler Sarde e beccafico

Sardines stuffed with tomato sauce Sardine farcie à la sauce tomate


Sardines stuffed with tomato sauce Sardine farcie à la sauce tomate

Sardines with lemon Sarde a limone

Sardine rolled with lemon Sardine roulée au citron


Sardine rolled with lemon Sardine roulée au citron

Sarde allinguate Sarde allinguate

Sardine in vinegar Sardine au vinaigre


Sardine in vinegar Sardine au vinaigre

Assortment of rolls Assortiment d'involtini

Traditional beef rolls Roulés de viande de bœuf traditionnels


Traditional beef rolls Roulés de viande de bœuf traditionnels

Pecorino rolls Involtini al pecorino

Cheese meat roll Roulé de viande au fromage


Cheese meat roll Roulé de viande au fromage

Pistachio rolls Involtini al pistacchio

Pistachio meat roll Roulé de viande à la pistache


Pistachio meat roll Roulé de viande à la pistache

Rolls in lemon leaf Involtini in foglia di limone

Meat roll in its lemon leaf Roulé de viande dans sa feuille de citron


Meat roll in its lemon leaf Roulé de viande dans sa feuille de citron

Rolls in orange and almond leaf Involtini in foglia di arancio e mandorla

Rolled meat with orange and almond Roulé de viande à l'orange et amande

Rolled meat with orange and almond Roulé de viande à l'orange et amande

Fettucicine in eggplant leaf Fettucicine in foglia di melanzana

Tomato fettuccine, rolled in aubergine gratinato Fettuccine tomate, roulé dans son aubergine gratinato


Tomato fettuccine, rolled in aubergine gratinato Fettuccine tomate, roulé dans son aubergine gratinato

Rigatoni with pesto from Trapani Rigatoni al pesto trapanese

Ricotta, basil and almond rigatoni Rigatoni ricotta, basilic e mandorla


Ricotta, basil and almond rigatoni Rigatoni ricotta, basilic e mandorla

Rigatoni from Etna Rigatoni dell'etna

Rigatoni with mushrooms, cream, pork and pistachio Rigatoni aux cèpes, crème, viande porcine e pistacchio


Rigatoni with mushrooms, cream, pork and pistachio Rigatoni aux cèpes, crème, viande porcine e pistacchio

Bucatini with sardines Palermo style Bucatini con sarde alla palermitana

Bucatoni aux sardines, fenouil, pignon de pin and dried fruit Bucatoni aux sardine, fenouil, pignon de pin e frutta secca


Bucatoni aux sardines, fenouil, pignon de pin and dried fruit Bucatoni aux sardine, fenouil, pignon de pin e frutta secca

Linguine with seafood Linguine allo scoglio

Linguine with seafood Linguine aux fruits de mer


Linguine with seafood Linguine aux fruits de mer

Cuttlefish ink linguine Linguine al nero di seppia

Dry linguine and its ink Linguine à la sèche et son encre


Dry linguine and its ink Linguine à la sèche et son encre

Shrimp and argumi linguine Linguine gamberi e argumi

Prawn and citrus linguine Linguine gambas et agrumes


Prawn and citrus linguine Linguine gambas et agrumes

Swordfish dumplings Fagottini di pesce spada

Swordfish rolls breaded and stuffed our way Roulés d'espadon panés et farcis à notre façon


Swordfish rolls breaded and stuffed our way Roulés d'espadon panés et farcis à notre façon

Grilled octopus Polipo grigliato

Grilled octopus, chickpea cream with garlic Poulpe grillé, crème de pois chiche à l'ail


Grilled octopus, chickpea cream with garlic Poulpe grillé, crème de pois chiche à l'ail

Calamari all'eoliana Calamaro all'eoliana

Squid stuffed with olives, capers and pine nuts Calamar farcit aux olives, câpres et pignons


Squid stuffed with olives, capers and pine nuts Calamar farcit aux olives, câpres et pignons

Sicilian tuna Tonno alla siciliana

Sweet and Sour Grilled Tuna with Onions Thon grillé à l'aigre douce et aux oignons


Sweet and Sour Grilled Tuna with Onions Thon grillé à l'aigre douce et aux oignons

Spada alla mesia Spada alla mesinese

Grilled swordfish, tomatoes, celery, raisins, pine nuts, olives Espadon grillé, tomates, cèleri, raisins secs, pignons de pins, olives


Grilled swordfish, tomatoes, celery, raisins, pine nuts, olives Espadon grillé, tomates, cèleri, raisins secs, pignons de pins, olives

Sicilian sausage with fennel Salsiccia siciliana al finocchietto

Sicilian sausage with fennel Saucisse sicilienne au fenouil


Sicilian sausage with fennel Saucisse sicilienne au fenouil

Traditional meatloaf Polpettone tradizionale

Beef, ham, egg and cheese Viande de bœuf, jambon, œuf e formaggi


Beef, ham, egg and cheese Viande de bœuf, jambon, œuf e formaggi

Pigtailed rabbit Coniglio imporchettato

Lapin farcit aux frutta secca Lapin farcit aux frutta secca


Lapin farcit aux frutta secca Lapin farcit aux frutta secca

Baked angel Angello al forno

Lamb cooked with romaine, garlic, onions and tomatoes Agneau cuit au romain, ail, oignons et tomates


Lamb cooked with romaine, garlic, onions and tomatoes Agneau cuit au romain, ail, oignons et tomates

Citrus salad Insalata di agrumi


Baked potatoes Patate al forno


Seasonal vegetables Verdure di stagione


Caponata Siciliana Caponata siciliana


Assortment of Sicilian pecorino cheeses Assortimento di pecorini siciliani


Ricotta cannolo Cannolo di ricotta


Tiramisu Tiramisu


Panna cotta with berries Panna cotta ai frutti di bosco


Chocolate cream Crème al cioccolato


Almond blossom biscuit Biscotto ai fiori di mandorlo

Almond blossom cookie Bicuit à la fleur d'amande


Almond blossom cookie Bicuit à la fleur d'amande

Sicilian cassata Cassata siciliana

Orange blossom cream, ricotta and candied fruit Crème à la fleur d'oranger, ricotta et fruits confits


Orange blossom cream, ricotta and candied fruit Crème à la fleur d'oranger, ricotta et fruits confits

trio of sorbets Trio de sorbets

Mandarin, lemon, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, coffee Mandarine, citron, fraise, vanille, chocolat, café


Mandarin, lemon, strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, coffee Mandarine, citron, fraise, vanille, chocolat, café

Aperol Spritz Aperol Spritz

Aperol 4cl, prosecco, sparkling water Aperol 4cl, prosecco, eau gazeuse


Aperol 4cl, prosecco, sparkling water Aperol 4cl, prosecco, eau gazeuse

Italian spritz Italicus spritz

Bergamot liqueur 4cl, prosecco, sparkling water Liqueur bergamote 4cl, prosecco, eau gazeuse


Bergamot liqueur 4cl, prosecco, sparkling water Liqueur bergamote 4cl, prosecco, eau gazeuse

The limoncello Il limoncello

Limoncello 4cl, prosecco, white martini, basil Limoncello 4cl, prosecco, martini bianco, basilic


Limoncello 4cl, prosecco, white martini, basil Limoncello 4cl, prosecco, martini bianco, basilic

Italian Mojito Italian Mojito

4cl rum, lemon juice, sugar syrup, sparkling water, basil Rhum 4cl, jus de citron, sirop de sucre, eau gazeuse, basilic


4cl rum, lemon juice, sugar syrup, sparkling water, basil Rhum 4cl, jus de citron, sirop de sucre, eau gazeuse, basilic

Negroni Negroni

Gin 2cl, vermouth rouge 2cl, campari 2cl Gin 2cl, vermouth rouge 2cl, campari 2cl


Gin 2cl, vermouth rouge 2cl, campari 2cl Gin 2cl, vermouth rouge 2cl, campari 2cl

Gin basil Gin basilic

Gin 6cl, lemon juice, sugar syrup, basil leaves Gin 6cl, jus de citron, sirop de sucre, feuilles de basilic


Gin 6cl, lemon juice, sugar syrup, basil leaves Gin 6cl, jus de citron, sirop de sucre, feuilles de basilic

Amaretto sour Amaretto sour

Amaretto 6cl, lemon juice, sugar syrup Amaretto 6cl, jus de citron, sirop de sucre


Amaretto 6cl, lemon juice, sugar syrup Amaretto 6cl, jus de citron, sirop de sucre

Rossini Rossini

Prosecco 10cl, peach puree Prosecco 10cl, purée de pêche


Prosecco 10cl, peach puree Prosecco 10cl, purée de pêche

Bellini Bellini

Prosecco 10cl, peach puree Prosecco 10cl, purée de pêche


Prosecco 10cl, peach puree Prosecco 10cl, purée de pêche

Love Love - Sans alcohol Amore Amore - Sans alcool

Seasonal fruit cocktails Cocktails fruits de saison


Seasonal fruit cocktails Cocktails fruits de saison

Limoncello, grappa, Get 27, Amaretto, Averna, Sambuca - 4cl Limoncello, grappa, Get 27, Amaretto, Averna, Sambuca - 4cl


Cognac Hennessy, Whisky aberlour, Rhum pacto navio - 4cl Cognac Hennessy, Whisky aberlour, Rhum pacto navio - 4cl
